Similac Pro Total Comfort Formula 22.5 Oz | Baby Formula EU
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Similac Pro Total Comfort Formula 22.5 Oz

Similac Pro Total Comfort Formula is the first gentle formula with partially hydrolyzed protein and 2’-FL Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO), an immune-nourishing prebiotic like that found in breast milk. HMOs feed good bacteria in the gut, where 70% of the immune system exists. Similac with 2’-FL HMO helps strengthen baby’s immune system to be more like the breastfed infant than ever before.

Buy Similac Pro Total Comfort Formula 22.5 Oz

Similac Pro-Total Comfort is a mild formula that contains partially hydrolyzed protein and 2′-FL HMO, a prebiotic that supports the immune system and is similar to the type found in breast milk. After just one day, fussiness, gassiness, and weeping significantly decreased, according to parents, and the improvement persisted. The growth of a baby’s brain and eyes is aided by our special combination of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E. Similac is the top brand that moms choose, so you can trust it.
