Nestlé NAN SUPREMEpro 3, Premium Toddler 1+ Years Milk Powder 4 x 32g
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Nestlé NAN SUPREMEpro 3, Premium Toddler 1+ Years Milk Drink Powder Sachets – 4 x 32g


During toddlerhood, your child starts extending their exploration of the world. Appropriate nutrition including Iron & Vitamin C can help support a good functioning immune system. NAN SUPREMEpro 3 has been specially formulated for your toddler to enjoy supplementary to a varied diet when energy and nutrient intakes may not be adequate. The sachet format is useful when on-the-go and travelling.

  1. Wash hands carefully.
  2. Wash cup thoroughly. Boil for 5 minutes. Leave covered until use.
  3. Boil drinking water and allow to cool.
  4. Consult serving guide. First, pour 210mL of water into cup.
  5. Empty sachet (32g) contents into cup.
  6. Shake or stir with clean spoon until dissolved. Check temperature before feeding the child.

To maintain the number of live cultures, the boiled water must be cooled down to about body temperature before adding the powder.

Once prepared, serve immediately. Discard any unfinished drink.